Experience in:
- Islamic Education
- Vocational Education
- Social Welfare
- Greenhouse Gas Emission
- Timber Legality Assurance System
Realizing Education's Promise for Improved Quality of Education – Islamic Education Data Accuracy Audit 2020 – 2022, Nationwide, World Bank Loan No. 8992
The study is conducted to unpack the impact of EMIS 4.0 implementation by measuring the data accuracy of EMIS 4.0 database. Furthermore, the data accuracy will be used as the basis for policy-making to produce good quality data and increasing madrasah education services.

Polytechnic Education Development Project – Media Promotion Research, Nationwide, ADB Loan No. 2928 – INO
The study measures the impact of promotions that have been carried out and to get an overview of the communication patterns of polytechnic students. Furthermore, the study resulted several practical recommendations for marketing communication strategies for polytechnic education that can be implemented in the future.

A3770 Building Inclusive Social Assistance Project – Capacity Building, Communication, and Advocacy Service, Nationwide, ADB Ref. POR007453
The Ministry of Social Affairs is implementing Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), or Family Hope Programme. MOSA has to strengthen its implementation capacity by upgrading information technology systems, improving human resources management, ensuring adequate training of facilitators, and scaling up family development sessions to all PKH families. All data regarding PKH program is visualized in Tableau dashboard to easily digest which furthermore will be used to develop capacity-building plan and suggest improvements in the communication strategy.

Partnership with World Research Institute
National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) initiated the Low Carbon Development Indonesia (LCDI) program to reduce emissions in the form of policy planning, accompanied by various interventions/implementation of real development programs to preserve and rehabilitate natural resources. The study aims to unpack the perception of relevant stakeholders in internal BAPPENAS towards LCDI program which furthermore will be used to build up a national communication strategy to promote LCDI onwards.

Partnership with The Multistakeholder Forestry Programme Phase 4 (MFP4), Nationwide
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has released a mandatory instrument for any wood-producing business in Indonesia to ensure its legal sourcing called SVLK. The system has been adopted by the (large to medium scale) industry players which include it in their business-as-usual operations. The research analyzes the feedback from relevant stakeholders regarding the issues surrounding SVLK and its implementation which furthermore will be used to build up a national communication strategy to promote SVLK onwards.