- Consumer Insight
- Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty
- Market Segmentation
- Market Basket Analysis
- Brand Health Check
- Campaign Research
- Product and Packaging Test
- Feasibility studies
Find out consumer insight based on their experience at the store. Key insights of this service are to figure out customer profile, experience, and preference. Visitors will be interviewed at the end of their activity at the store, it could be after they’ve done shopping or after they’ve done looking around the store.
Find out consumer insight based on their experience at the store. Key insights of this service are to figure out customer profile, experience, and preference. Visitors will be interviewed at the end of their activity at the store, it could be after they’ve done shopping or after they’ve done looking around the store.
Define market segmentation in order to develop specific strategies for each target audience to optimize your marketing strategy.
Uncover associations between items by identify relationships between the items that people buy, figure out cross-selling and up-selling opportunities, product placement selections, define promotion plans, etc.
Measure your brand performance by several dimensions (i.e. awareness, usage, perceive, etc.) in order to learn your strength and weakness to optimize your marketing strategy. Find out your brand position and compare to other competitors.
Hear the voices of potential audiences to know campaign perception, customer insights, and campaign evaluation.
Product and packaging tests derive consumers’ honest opinions towards new products/packaging and even compare them to the previous product/packaging. Through that test, the brand will get fruitful insights into their product/packaging in order to make their product and packaging more stunning and acceptable in the market.
Unpack the strength, weakness, opportunity, and traits of specific idea, design, or existing area/place. The study combines several aspects to develop comprehensive results, from multi perspectives legal, financial, technical, and operational.
bank bjb – Corporate Secretary
Consumer Research of bank bjb aims to figure out the brand equity of bank bjb and competitors from bank bjb customers and non-customers. The brand equity covers brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand association, and perceived quality.
The research is complemented by customer satisfaction and important analysis, product and service usage, NPS, and media habit and digital access for media optimization analysis.
Partnership with Lembaga Pengembangan Perbankan Indonesia (LPPI)
In 2019, Bank Riau Kepri would shift from a conventional bank to a sharia bank. The research aims to comprehend the perception and acceptance of Bank Riau Kepri’s customers and non-customers towards the conversion plan of Bank Riau Kepri.
The research is complemented by the intention to become sharia bank customer, product usage, and customer recommendation. The research is conducted through face-to-face interviews at the branch and activity area (mall, office, public space, etc.).
Partnership with Lembaga Pengembangan Perbankan Indonesia (LPPI)
In 2020, Bank Nagari had plan to spin-off their sharia unit business. The research aims to comprehend the perception and acceptance of Bank Nagari’s customers and non-customers towards the Bank Nagari Spin-Off.
The research is complemented by customer path analysis, brand usage, brand loyalty, and desire to become sharia bank customer. The research is conducted through face-to-face interviews at the branch and activity area (mall, office, public space, etc.).
In 2016, BNI conducted research to figure out the effectiveness of their placement site and the Rejeki BNI Taplus advertisement. The research covers brand awareness, brand recall, content message, ad attractiveness, and customer participation. The research is conducted through face-to-face interviews at activity area (mall, office, public space, etc.).
IKEA Indonesia
Reveal the customer preference, experience, and feedback of IKEA services and products to increase their services. The research covers offline and online shopping preference, perception, and behavior, brand awareness, brand preference, ad awareness, planned and actual buying at store, repeat visit, and NPS.
The research is conducted at IKEA store through face-to-face interview towards visitor who have finished shopping. All respondents get ice cream vouchers as the survey reward.
IKEA Indonesia
Reveal the customer preference, experience, and feedback of online shopping for furniture products. The research covers offline and online buying habits, furniture e-commerce awareness, IKEA online services, IKEA delivery services, and media habits.
The research is conducted through offline focus group discussions to gain deeper insight of their customer. The discussion is held at comfortable space and complemented by a viewing room for the client to watch the discussion.
IKEA Indonesia
Reveal consumer perception, feedback, and preference towards IKEA advertisements and IKEA events. For IKEA event, the research covers awareness, attractiveness, participation, and intention to visit IKEA store. For IKEA ad, the research covers the awareness of their aired advertisement, attractiveness, and intention to visit IKEA store.
The research is conducted through a phone interview with IKEA customers.
Partnership with Seven Event
Sevent event conducts a comprehensive study to figure out the perception of visitor and exhibitor towards Jakarta Auto Show event. The visitor research covers visitor profile, visitor perception, event satisfaction, and media habit. The exhibitor research covers exhibitor profile, event expectation, and event satisfaction.
Event satisfaction consists of visitor satisfaction towards praying room, toilet, parking area, cleanliness, information board, security, payment option, and recommendation for next event. The research is conducted during the event through a face-to-face interview with visitor and exhibitor.
KAO Indonesia
Reveal consumer habits, consumer preference of diaper packaging between old and new designs, consumer preference of diaper packaging design between brands, and intention to buy between brands.
Research is conducted through face-to-face interview at comfortable space during the interview. The survey is complemented by a big and clear design for respondent to comprehend the designs.
- GeoINFO Mobile Survey
- GeoINFO Movement Tracker
- GeoINFO Data Matching
- Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)
- Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)
- Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI)
GeoINFO has developed a new way of data collection, combining methodology and technology through a mobile android application that can be utilized both online and offline.
Ensure the presence of surveyors at selected place and predetermined schedule. surveyor movement is monitored in real-time through the movement tracker feature on GeoINFO Mobile Survey.
A telephone survey technique in which the interviewer follows a script provided in the software application.
A face-to-face data collection method in which the interviewer uses a tablet, mobile phone, or computer to record answers given during the interview.
An internet survey technique in which the interviewer follows a script provided on a website.
- Survey
- Census
- Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
- In-Depth Interview (IDI)
- Gang Survey
- Mistery Shopping
- Panel Research
- Central Location Test
Survey is a research method used for collecting data from a sample of the population. With the right sampling technique, the survey is capable of obtaining information from samples of the population. Survey reduces cost and time needed compared to the census.
Census is a survey conducted on the full set of observation objects belonging to a given population. Census collects data from a whole population rather than just a sample, so it has no sampling error.
Discussing certain topics in small groups (6-10 participants) of a selected population. The discussion will provide a rich depth of understanding of the phenomenon of interest.
A qualitative research technique involves conducting intensive individual (one on one basis) interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a particular idea, program, or situation. Aims to deeply explore the respondent's point of view, feelings, and perspectives.
A moderated self-survey where respondents are invited to a specific facility and participate in topical discussions. The facility is modified to represent a real situation as per the need, often used to provide a sensory experience (sight, taste, touch, sound, and smell).
Aims to obtain objective service evaluation by well-trained persons who act as usual customers. Mystery shoppers have to do an objective observation of service quality (staff greeting, product knowledge deliverable, etc.), physical evidence of location (cleanliness, proper facility, etc.), and other aspects to be observed.